Vincent SV-236MK

Just recently, I decided to upgrade my current Integrated amplifier which is a Vincent SV-236MK Tube Hybrid Integrated Amplifier purchased in 2009 for $1995.00 with a Luxman L-550AX which was $4990.00. Surprisingly, the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Luxman. I even purchased the top of the line Marantz integrated amplifier PM-11S3 and the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Marantz. The Vincent SV-236MK sounds warm,detailed and musical and has plenty of bass. The Luxman had no bass. I would like to purchase an integrated amplifier which sounds better than my Vincent SV-236MK but I haven't found one. Any suggestions? I have Bowers & Wilkins PM1s, Vincent SV-236MK, Marantz Reference Series NA-11S1 Network Audio Player and an OPPO BDP-105 Blu-ray Disc Player.
I believe you would have to go with a SS amp that mates well with our speakers and tube pre that mates well with it to get the job done. 
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It sounds like you prefer tubes ( I do ). You should try an all tube integrated like this. Or you can go the separate route!
That Vincent is nice…a close friend has one and I've spent hours listening to the damn thing. I use a Kavent S-33 preamp (mysteriously rebadged Vincent for the domestic market or something, very well made thing) with a Jolida tube amp and it's a killer combination.
I know a guy that tried several amps...tubes and ss and still came back to the Vincent.

If I where you I would upgrade to the Vincent SV-237. Its a new design under the hood...made by a top designer....and made totally in Germany! YOU should read this review....its 7 pages.

Or you can also try the other Vincent Integrated amp....the SV-700.

 Vincent makes top products....but not to many in the states will give them a chance.