RMAF 2016

Just read the press release from last week  that several Atrium rooms on the ground, 4 and 5th floors will be moved to smaller rooms in the tower and makeshift pods outdoors due to unforeseen construction delays. High Water Sound has been forced to pull out of RMAF because of this. Seems like terrible planning on the Marriott's part and terrible contingency planning on RMAF's part. CanJam will now be under a tent outside. Not sure why they didn't procure a wing or two at the Hyatt via cooperation with Marriott and run shuttles. Still not a perfect fix but better than pods and tents. I'm fearful several more exhibitors affected by this will pull out now. And this is the year I am going.........ugh.

I’m not sure how to do ’horning’, but I’m sure if I stick some of those Samantha Fox posters with big juggs onto cabinettes of my speakers they may possibly become horny.
3,168 posts
08-23-2016 3:43pm
I’m not sure how to do ’horning’, but I’m sure if I stick some of those Samantha Fox posters with big juggs onto cabinettes of my speakers they may possibly become horny.
LOL, czarivey!
there is actually a company called Horning that produces speakers - Danish company. here is the website:

I'm thinking of going, I have never been to this event. But, the local Hotels look like they are already booked so maybe not.


I do hope you get to go. The Marriott is full but there are multiple hotels in the area. I actually stay in the 5 minute away Hyatt.

David Pritchard