VPI 3D printed arm mod.

I understand that the 3D arm (which is considered one of the best arms there is), now has a (what is called - very major) upgrade.  I understand there is an additional pivot point on the left side of the arm (so it's now a kind of hybrid - not a uni-pivot arm any more.)  I was told that middle road cartridges sound like an Atlas (hyperbole?) with the new mod.  I understand all 3D's can be modified to the new design for 100 dollars.....wow.
So...would it be fair to say it's not quite a Kuzma 4-point, more a Hadcock quasi-unipivot?
Seems like a simple but sensible adjustment but crude in comparison to the same type of solution offered on the Durand arms where the second pivot is a rod moving on a trace with the contact adjustable by movement of a weight on the rod. The design and mass of the weight influences the sound as does the degree of contact so yes I can believe this is makes an audible change
Fremer’s mini review notes "no audible improvement", just a "psychological" feeling of more stability, before playing in the groove.

What about increased friction screwing with anti-skate?

Nothing of significance here IMO!

I am wondering why this mod with this arm, the 3D arm? As some of you know I have had several of these arm wands and have had issues with the arm twisting slightly under normal conditions, ever so slight but have gotten into the habit of checking and adjusting before each listening session.