Outboard crossover? Why not?

What do you think?  Any disadvantages?
I am aware of only one brand that used to use it - Michael Green Audio free resonance two way reference speakers.
Erik, that's quite a detailed post. I guess, I was talking about passive crossover. Pardon my ignorance, what are passive and active crossovers? In simple terms, please, I mean in English.
So, maybe we should lobby speaker designers and ask them to stop fooling around with designs that by definition cannot yield best results.

I didnt say all inner crossovers were bad, but that ther could be benefits of externals.  an active crossover is before the amplifier.  its called active because it needs a power supply.  the subwoofer output of a dvd player is a type of active crossover.

Magnepan eliminated the external Xover box on the 3.7 and 3.7i, only because they felt it was an eye sore.

It eliminated the  bi-amping option, which I liked.