Retooling the system upward?? What speakers would be a major upgrade over GET model 7's?

Fishing for opinions about what speakers would represent a major upgrade from the Golden Ear Technology model 7, the rage product of CES 2012. Overall, it is very good speaker. So why so I want to change??. Because, I slowly acquiring much better electronics, and therefore want to experience the sonic improvements of high end separates ( not new but used)  So far, the one major change made has been the purchase of a used BAT VK-200 which has made a notable difference in the sound. However, I have as of yet found a suitable pre-amp

Let me cut to the chase, I have considered the "new" Magneplanar point 7 speaker,  or  possibly the 1.7r  ( which may be too big for my 12X15 living room.)  I happened to run across an ad  on AG yesterday for a pair of the Salk Song Tower QWT speakers which have received good reviews. This  model is Salk's entry level speaker (I think) the higher  models promise better sound.   Therefore, looking for recommendations for speaker that will be a major upgrade over GET's 7 and.not a sideways move.  I will address the issue of new speakers only after I find the right pre-amp for the BAT amp. 

For the record, I have a Rogue Sphinx integrated amp (whose pre-out connects up the BAT amp),  an Ayre CX-7e mp CD player. The interconnect is an older Harmonic Technology "Truth Link" IC, and speaker cable are alternated between Grover Huffman Z series, and Harmonic Technology Pro 11 + speaker cables.  In addition, I used a Blue Circle "Thingee" power line condition ( really a stupid name)   Thank you!! 

Wow. I had the 7's and the Rogue as well, great stuff. I now have the Maggie.7's and a Wyred4Sound integrated and am very happy. You have a nice system and I agree with another comment, move up the Triton line? If you like the sound it's a good move. The Rogue will drive the Maggies but honestly, the Wyred amp blew it away. There are many great choices in that price range, the Tannoy's are wonderful too. Enjoy the quest!

Thanks to all members who responded so far;  Let me add a few more details. Member "theothergreg" ask what was my budget, I would say between $2000-2500.  I have bought and owned one pair of used purchased on AG. They were  the Acoustic Zen, Adagios which is an excellent speaker, and somewhat underrated speaker. However, they weighed 80 lbs each and stood 51 high on their metal outrigger stands. I sold them to TMR about 18 months ago.  I often wonder what they might sound like with the likes of BAT separates or a mix of BAT and Jeff Rowland . My reason for selling was they were very difficult to move around, and I have back problems

Next, I  have had listened to Monitor Audios on several occasions. and  came within a hair of buying the RS-6 speaker which got rave reviews. They were offered in a variety beautiful cabinets, and I still see resale ads for them on AG. I loved their flat response, but not their somewhat shrill upper highs .

I opted and bought the Silverline  Prelude II's which were slim columns which I wanted. They impressed me as they continued to sound better at each listening session. I drove them with a Creek Classic 5350 SE which was 80 RMS. So as someone noted, I may lean more toward the (house) sound of the MA's. I heard a pair of MA Silvers ( don't remember the model number) about 6 years ago at Magnolia Stereo , and also the Martin Logan Electro-Motion EST.  Both companies (in my opinion) produce too many speakers.  At that audition, I liked the ML's better, but was impressed by the smooth sound quality of the MA's

For the record, and as Samac noted, GET7 is a great speaker. However, after almost 18 months of ownership, I noticed that there is a portion of the lower midrange that is just not there. The addition of BAT VK-200 has  shown that missing niche of. sound.  To the credit of the model 7's they are very accurate speakers and generally enjoyable to listen to. The BAT amp is amazing sounding but also shows the limitations of the speaker, and even some recording flaws  of a few CD I have listened to for years. 

I mentioned before, that I have a pair of Wharfdale's Denton 80th Anniverary speakers.  I love the sound of these small monitor speakers, even though the bass does not go deep, but they are very musical, and I guess can be described as euphonic without sacrificing accuracy.  A member commented on AG,  he hoped that Wharfdale would issue a 3 way version of this gem of a speaker. It just sounds right.

Someone mentioned to audition the Tannoy XT 8 floorstander. I know it received a strong review in TAS, but there was a comment made by the review about the bass propagation, and sound I did not like. It might be it required some additional elevation to sound good. I would audition it, but I am not sure there are Tannoy dealer in L.A. county.  .BTW, I did consider last year, of buying  the Triton 5 which is one step up from the model seven and retailed for $1995. I saw a couple You Tube videos of Sam Gross at CES who designed the GET line, who basically claimed the Triton 5 provide more midrange and a bit more bass, but sounded very much like the model 7.

Therefore I decided to  save the  $600. and bought the 7's which were $1395. Maybe that was a mistake, but besides the money, they were heavier and taller than the 7's    Thanks to all

Hey sunny,

You seem to have tried a lot and been dissatisfied. Maye you need to build your own? You might find it much more satisfying, or at least, less expensive to itterate. :)


Agreed with Erik Squires above.  I lived on the speaker merry-go-round for many years, owning a number of expensive multi-way speakers.  Then I got a book called Speaker Design 101 and ordered drivers, crossover components, and had a friend build cabinets.  Then I ordered full-range drivers from Audio Nirvana that don't require crossovers and put them in a cabinet and will never go back to multi-way speakers (well, never is a long time but no current plans).  If I can be so forward to suggesting you listen to and/or build some single-driver speakers, I think you will be amazed and they can be made for minimal cost.  There are relatively inexpensive drivers from Fostex, Audio Nirvana, Alpair, Hemp, Jordan, and others, even Lowthers.  Build a cheap cabinet with polyester batting, get some wire and binding posts, and for less than $1000, some way less, and I think you will find your last speaker love.
Well, now, I didn't say DIY a single driver speaker! :) However for some that is exactly what would be most satisfying, and that is what matters.  I'm not on the one driver team, but any speaker building is fun and informative.

One thing that I have found making my own speakers, mind you I have a little background before I did so, was just satisfaction with the end result, and how easily I could change things I didn't like. It's all int he crossover.

This is like when you keep eating out and never find quite the right ramen. Then you realize that the problem is YOU need to be making the ramen to make yourself happy.

Not to mention, being able to play all I want to with droolicious parts. :)

If anyone wants to go that way, I submit the best 2-way speaker kit in the world. Ever. Mainly because i made it, but also because the design is entirely free, as in beer, and the final cost is under $500. :)

I guarantee the design is worth more at least what you pay for it. ;-)

