Cart Recommendations

I have a VPI TNT Mk II with a Graham 1.5 arm.  I'm looking for a new LOMC cart for my setup and hoping to get some recommendations from those with experience with my table/arm combo.  Phono preamp is an Allnic H-3000 paired with an HA-3000 headamp which is the reason for the need of a LOMC.  Currently, I am running a Dynavector XX2 Mk II.  I am looking for something that is rich, dynamic and detailed without being overly analytical.  Any suggestions?

I am a fan of the zyx line of cartridges. I have not used on any table but my three maplenolls, but from the Airy series to the UNIverse II, these cartridges are very neutral and are great trackers. Once you hit their sweet spot, they are a pleasure to listen to. ZYX offers a broad line of cartridges and Mehran(Sorasound) is alway willing to work with you on finding the right one to fit your style and budget
Highly recommend Mehran, willing to work with you even if funds are a bit short.