Can a buyer back out with no penalty?

Hi members,

Last week I got an offer for a preamp on Audiogon which I am selling. The buyer offer cash local pickup and he required an audition before taking the preamp. It seems fair to me so I accepted his offer.

Yesterday he came to my house with another guy. They spent almost an hour to play through my system. Then finally they said they don't want to buy it with the reason "I don't like the sound". I tried to explain to him that after the buyers' offer is accepted that is a commitment to buy. Unless the product was not as described in the ads, he has to take it. They just left without saying anything.

My question is: what do we do with that kind of buyer, how to deal with this situation correctly?



Another Audiogon turkey!!! I had a guy came over to hear my Magico Mini 2 after 5 min i knew the JERK was kicking tires i finally had to ship them to another buyer.
Two times over the years I've done this for a local audio nut, and both times it turned into clear "tire kicking", treating my house like it is an audio salon.  I will only do cash pick up for convenience, but not offer an audition.  Whether it is local or distant, we all take a chance to try out different used gear in our systems to find the right matches.  Someone seeking a "audition/approval" because of the local advantage is just a big red flag to me now.
Agree with mofi, collect a non-refundable deposit before the audition. It is a must to be careful and not let "tire kickers" abuse you. I would give a close friend the audition, but with everyone else, it's strictly business.
+1 mofi. Leave negative feedback so others are aware of this "tire-kicker".
I also like the $100 deposit to audition philosophy.

As for accepting cash, I have always accepted cash. However, if it is from an untrustworthy source, I recommend having a Dri-Mark Smart Money Counterfeit Bill Detector Pen handy.
When I started back in this 'hobby'. I was surprised that some people would allow me to come to their home and listen to equipment.
I did so only to confirm that the equipment was functioning properly, not as an audition.
I, too, would be put out if someone did that to me.
Though, I have met some really nice people and gotten some really nice equipment.
Another, +1 for the $100 deposit.