Aniwolfe’s ET LFT-8b suggestion is a good one. The speaker has a 3-position tweeter switch (x/o frequency 10kHz!), the low setting providing the soft highs you desire. Some speakers sound the opposite of soft not because of frequency response and balance, but because of distortion. The ET is unusually low in distortion, one reason for it lacking hardness.
The LFT-8b is not a pure dipole, having an 8" woofer in a sealed enclosure. The x/o from woofer to magnetic-planar midrange panel is a 6dB/octave 1st order design located at 180Hz. The woofer is critically-damped, and integrates very well with the panel. With a x/o at 180Hz and 10kHZ, the panel reproduces all the sound between those two frequencies!
The LFT-8b, like all dipoles, requires a minimum of about 3’ between it and the wall behind it, and more is better.
There are a pair of the ET’s on U.S. Audiomart right now, at an asking price of $1800 ($2500 retail), located in N. Washington State.