Looking to buy floor standing speakers in $1000 per speaker range.

Looking at Goldenears 700s. Intrigued by Ohm 1000's. Probably running older NAD 7225 PE. I would love to hear suggestions.
I've had a pair of the Ohm 1000's for a while now and couldn't be happier.  I started out with the micro talls and was so impressed I upgraded to the 1000's. As I've stated in previous posts, the Ohms are the best chance I ever took.  They're $ 1000 each, or you can call John Strobeen and see what he can do for you.  In the meantime, check out the Ohm thread "Micro Talls, who's heard them".  It will give you a great overview of various Ohm speakers and how people like them.  Good luck with your search!
Vienna Bach and Mozart Grand, Quad 21L and 22L, and don't overlook the Infinity Primus 363 which would be a great match with your NAD