Looking to buy floor standing speakers in $1000 per speaker range.

Looking at Goldenears 700s. Intrigued by Ohm 1000's. Probably running older NAD 7225 PE. I would love to hear suggestions.
Vienna Bach and Mozart Grand, Quad 21L and 22L, and don't overlook the Infinity Primus 363 which would be a great match with your NAD
Make sure you hear the Vandersteen 1CIs
They are both phased and time correct box less design,easy to drive extend to 38 HZ Made in USA, faithful to live music
  Best JohnnyR
 Audio Connection
While its a great little receiver, I would suggest you properly match your NAD receivers capability to whatever speakers you are interested in.  Its only 25 wpc into 8 ohms continuously and hardly a powerhouse.  I know - I had one years ago.

And while many of the speakers mentioned above are great suggestions, your NAD will struggle with several of them, especially the models with nominal impedance below 8 ohms.

I would only be looking at speakers with an impedance of 8 ohms and sensentivity ratings in the 90's.  Unless your planning on upgrading you NAD too.

And one last thing....go out and audition the speakers that will meet your budget and amps capabilities.  Speakers are the most subjective component of all and what sounds great to one person, may not to another. Your trying to find the best speaker for you and your needs.