Oppo 95 setup question -- complete Noob question

Ok, so this big bad boy showed up yesterday and I have it unpacked and ready to go. I read through the manual today but am a bit confused on the setup for my system.

I will use the 5.1 analog inputs to my Rotel receiver (no HDMI inputs). What do I do for audio as I want to take advantage of the good DACs, obviously. Two channel analog or do the 5.1 analog cables take care of it? I think I know the answer (2-channel analog separate from the 5.1 analog), but I want to be sure. I'll definitely need better analog cables for the 2-channel if that's the answer...

Thanks for your help on this terribly dumb question.
You would use the 2-ch. and/or the 5.1-ch abalog outputs into your Rotel. The 2-ch. setup will be using the Oppo's awesome Sabre DACS, the 5.1 side will be using their Cirrus Logic (I think) DACs. Either way, the Oppo will be doing the DAC work, the Rotel will simply be amplifying the signal...

Ok, thanks! Now it is time to browse the cable ads for some new 2-channel rca cables.
Sorry Rlwainwright that's not entirely correct! The 95 has no Cirrus dac's in it at all, only the 93. The 95 has 2 Ess sabre dac's one for the 5.1 and one for the 2 channel stereo outs! To save on cables an updated feature was added you can use the dedicated stereo FL/FR for 5.1 out put as well. to do so check to see if the option is in setup menu, if it's not you need to get the latest firmware update ( New official version released yesterday)In this configuration you get the best of both worlds for your main speakers. but know that all chaneles from the analog outs is Ess Sabre!

P.S I would highly recommened checking out the AVS forums!
I think to take full advantage of the 4 ESS Sharc 9018 chipsets you need to run XLR's for the stereo. Pretty sure I read it in a review off the Oppo website. I have the 95 myself and just received my XLR's so I will test to see.

Regards Bacardi