Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
Are you talking about the crossovers?  Yes, adding subs you will only run your main amp from 100hz on up so it frees it up to sound better.  Richard has shared that in order to integrate a sub, you need a full range speaker with a one octave cross over in order to do it right.  At least right for what he professes.  The way he does his subs is that the amp mimics the main amp you are using, so that's why it will sound better than any other brand with Vandersteens.

I wasn't saying the Treo CT with one sub wouldn't sound great, just that personally I feel it needs both. I've heard them that way a few times now and it makes a huge difference, but to me I still fee Quatro's are better when set up properly.  Was it at Stereo Unlimited in SD?  I bought a ton of stuff from Bruce back in the early 80's when I was stationed out there.  It's a great store if that's where you were.

No grain of salt at all.  When I read stuff that I don't fully agree with I always try to go listen to what they are talking about.  It's not easy, but I try unless it's outlandish to me, lol.  

It's all good man.  We all love listening to MUSIC and not the components.
Yes. It was Stereo Unlimited. Don't get me wrong, Bruce has one of the finest stores I've seen/heard along with the incredible Vandersteen 7's. Maybe there was something with the Quatro's setup that wasn't quite right. Who knows? I do agree that two subs would be better than one, but now that I'm retired, I will have to be satisfied with one sub, at least for awhile as disposable income is at a bit of a premium for me right now. But I WILL own two in the not so distant future. Bruce thought I could get by with the less expensive X-2 crossovers instead of the premium crossovers with the batteries. He felt there wasn't much difference in the overall sound compared to the cheaper X-2's. Richard Vandersteen says differently....Hmmm....decisions, decisions.
@mr_m If you do go with the X-2 at first, do you know what impedance you would need based on your power amp?

Hifiman. No, I don't. they showed me the type of meter I have to get to measure this. The guy at Stereo Unlimited said he could help me do this over the phone. I have a Rogue Pharaoh integrated amp.
I'm very late, but a cheap meter is a phone with a calibrated mic ($25) and app. On android I use sound tools.  It's very nice, and has much better extension than most SPL meters.

Dayton imm6

Also works with Room EQ Wizard if you get fancy.

