HOLO Audio Spring DAC: Affordable discrete R2R Multibit Dac, could be a winner.

Many manufacturers are going back to R2R Multibit d/a conversion, a good portion of audiophiles are saying it sounds better than the cheaper d/a conversion of Delta Sigma, (1 bit), Bitstream, Saber. etc.
And it says it uses dual R2R’s Multibits to support DSD natively!!? 

Product Description:This new DAC.”Spring” is the first design of a new era, a milestone for HOLO Audio’s own Jeff Zhu. It’s a full discrete R2R type of audio decoder and does not have off the shelf-DAC chip! This is a bespoke custom-designed core DAC module and truly a breakthrough with technology for any DAC chip today. The Spring is here to achieve new heights, new dynamics and simply a full spectrum of audio to please the aural senses. This Dac has been called the poor mans Total Dac / MSB / Wavedream / Chord Dave Etc. It plays with the big boys.


Looks amazing inside for $1,700. Schiit Yaggi better watch out!!!!

Cheers George
The review is with headphones come on. I can really tell what that dac can do.
I think listening to a pair of HD800's or even HD650's with a good head phone amp is very revealing, once you've given them a chance and gotten used to them for a while.
At first yes the head-space thing is a bit disconcerting, but shut the eyes and lay back with a nice drink, and they can be very very good. (And no you don't need more drink.)
Cheers George
Has anyone placed an order and received this dac?
Would be nice to hear impressions through loudspeakers too.
I am a end user in hong kong , mine is a level 3 version (but my jensen cap is still on the way), and  i have option to upgrade the audionote silver isolate transformer which in front of the digital in, which make huge improve over the cheap one inside, before that i am a metrum pavane owner, i am very happy with pavane , it provide a very smooth and organic sound , strong and defination bass, sell it because to save some money, and for the holo spring performance, it really close to pavane but not better, but consider the price , it almost outclass similar competitor, and i am waiting for my jensen to make a final judgement