Thiel 1.6 vs. 2.4 vs. 3.6 using NAD c372

I am considering a combination of Thiel speakers and a NAD c372 integrated amp. My questions are:

1. In a fairly small room (16' x 13') with the speakers unfortunately along the longer wall, what are the thoughts about the Thiel 1.6, 2.4 and 3.6 speakers?

2. Why are used 3.6 speakers now offered in a similar price range as the used 1.6 models?

3. How do you think the Thiels will match up with the NAD c 372 integrated amp? Which of the three speaker models might match up the best, if any?

Yep, Jerry and Steve are absolutely correct. I drove my 3.6's with 200 watts of Classe and then went to 500 watt mono's with Mcintosh and the difference was not subtle.
I have the Emotiva MPS-1 7-Cha with 200W/300W for 8ohm/4ohm amp. I've been interested in the used CS3.6 or 1.6. I know the MPS-1 is not in the same league as Krell or EAD or Bryston, etc, but would the MPS-1 be sufficient to drive these speakers? Anyone have experience pairing similarly?

another +vote for the CS 2.4 speaker. It will allow you to move up on the gear end w/o sacrificing the speaker end. My 1st Thiel demo and 1st impression of the 2.4 was on a Creek integrated/ NAD cd spinner.

This was a very good combination even though the Creek was under-powered. Still, I was struck like a bolt of lightening. IMO, the 2.4 gets "timbre" right. I seek micro detail, dynamics and timbre.