Is Audio nirvana real?

I think it is.  I m finally happy with my system! I'm done!
Yes, it is real. But to get there, don't focus on getting systems that are accurate, have great imaging, or the various other characteristics that audiophools strive for. Search for a system that is MUSICAL above all else.  Only then will you reach that nirvana. This is a discovery I've made after many years of searching without not knowing what to look for.
Whether or not a 10 ounce portable system is my own private Audio Nirvana or not, as Mapman keeps nagging me to disclose, what I will say without fear of contradiction is that this TINY system (could it really be the smallest system in the world?) is VERY cost effective. The objective of this teeny system is not to be some uber audio nirvana system. Nothing like that, nor would I be so presumptuous. And as I said distortion and noise is inherently VERY LOW in the teeny tiny portable system, you know, what with the lack of transformer, fuses, house AC, etc. Audio cassettes sound VERY analog and CDs don’t sound too bad, either. Hel-loo! Audiophiles tend to go about things the wrong way sometimes - they get enamored with the idea of spending more and more when they could have gotten better results by spending less and less. No more aftermarket fuses, no more super fancy interconnects, no more uber pricey power cords, no monster speakers and their attendant cables. No more teacher’s dirty looks. And a tiny 10 ounce system can be tweaked to your heart’s content. Vibration Isolation, Dark Matter, Intelligent Chip, cryo’d CDs, cryo’d headphones, Morphic Message Labels, what have you.

Geoff Kait
machina dynamica
home of the Whopper

Whether or not a 10 ounce portable system is my own private Audio Nirvana or not, as Mapman keeps nagging me to disclose, what I will say without fear of contradiction is that this tiny system is VERY cost effective. And as I said distortion and noise is inherently VERY LOW in the teeny tiny portable system, you know, what with the lack of transformer, fuses, house AC, etc. Audio cassettes sound VERY analog and CDs don't sound too bad, either. Hel-loo! Audiophiles tend to go about things the wrong way sometimes - they get enamored with the idea of spending more and more when they could have gotten better results by spending less and less. No more aftermarket fuses, no more super fancy interconnects, no more uber pricey power cords, no monster speakers and their attendant cables. No more teacher’s dirty looks. And a tiny 10 ounce system can be tweaked to your heart’s content. Vibration Isolation, Dark Matter, Intelligent Chip, cryo’d CDs, cryo’d headphones, Morphic Message Labels, what have you. 

Are you involved in the audio industry? 
405 posts
09-03-2016 7:39am
Whether or not a 10 ounce portable system is my own private Audio Nirvana or not, as Mapman keeps nagging me to disclose, what I will say without fear of contradiction is that this tiny system is VERY cost effective. And as I said distortion and noise is inherently VERY LOW in the teeny tiny portable system, you know, what with the lack of transformer, fuses, house AC, etc. Audio cassettes sound VERY analog and CDs don't sound too bad, either. Hel-loo! Audiophiles tend to go about things the wrong way sometimes - they get enamored with the idea of spending more and more when they could have gotten better results by spending less and less. No more aftermarket fuses, no more super fancy interconnects, no more uber pricey power cords, no monster speakers and their attendant cables. No more teacher’s dirty looks. And a tiny 10 ounce system can be tweaked to your heart’s content. Vibration Isolation, Dark Matter, Intelligent Chip, cryo’d CDs, cryo’d headphones, Morphic Message Labels, what have you.

Are you involved in the audio industry?

I'm still thinking about the question.