I myself am of the opinion that maybe if I were in any other life than this one, I would be going through door #3 myself...but, I'd say door #2 is turning out to be pretty cool...perhaps unexpectedly so, from where I started out.
@ minorl:
I believe that if one is looking down the ultimate road regarding where oneHey, I feel like I could've written every word of that myself! Couldn't agree more, really. Even though trying to mandate an exit strategy on myself to put a cap on it has forced me to choose carefully as possible, I originally thought I might be able to get away with something comfortably south of 10 grand, but it has turned out to be more like 16. And you may well be right, perhaps if I'd known from the beginning...!
ends up at the end and the associated costs, then most wouldn't even start the trip.
I opt for door #3, but, with the understanding that it is a journey. If the goal is about accurate sound reproduction, or as accurate as one can get, then the journey is also based on real-world financial expectations.
You get the best that you can afford and if you received the correct/accurate advice along the way, you understand that you will be upgrading many times in order to get "there".
So, you do the best you can at first. Find something isn't quite right and begin the long upgrade path. One is never "there", but there is diminishing returns after awhile. Also a point where to get to the next real level would cost a ridiculous amount of money that may not be worth it to you.
When you get "there", can you live with what you have? If yes, then there you are. After so many years of getting "there", take a step back and add up the costs all along the way. It would probably be really high. to the extent that If you were just starting out on this path, and knew the costs, you probably wouldn't even start out.
@ lynott:
I can recall reading, from time to time, at Agon about those who'd actually downscaled their rigs for one reason or another and, often contrary to their expectations, found that their levels of satisfaction in their system's overall performance had actually increased. I was looking from the start to avoid that problem of 'overbuying' if I could at all help it...(this was mainly because of a chance discovery of mine of a power solution that was turning the light on for me as to what was possible for me to achieve with lower-priced gear). But, the description of your system sounds like my kind of listening! Good to know that after all you went through, you've reached a zen with your sound. That is indeed what I'm shoot for.
Again, thanks to everyone for their responses!
Regards, John