Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
People like us who stupidly evaluate sounding machines by ear without much care for measuring are kind of a therapy for this kind of Trolls.
 As many of us do, when I read a forum discussion that makes me nervous I stop reading and search another.
The Troll looks only for discussions where opinions dislike him and enter it. He is sure to be right against the world and will show to people all around the world who he is.  So he forces us to take his opinion and so his person in consideration. He is often outrageous and definitive in his opinions for provoking reactions of some of us.
So endly, he exists.
when hunters want to hunt some birds they use whispers imitating their voice. The birds come and bang bang...
If you want to make trolls appear there are some magic words. Some of them are : 
"Does someone know Acoustic System Resonnators ?"
Just write "TW-Acustic makes great TTs" and Syntax will suddenly appear in the discussion. 
There are many others we could list but we are serious people that judge music machines by ear first. 
Wolfie Cotton ears can write as often he wants I just don't read his posts and I am happy to part of his therapy for free.


6,669 posts
09-03-2016 1:26pm
nobody can explain the technical design aspects of "special" fuses ....
FWIW, I for one certainly can’t. I’ll say also that it seems to me that audio is somewhat unique in that there are countless technical variables that can be cited for which it is not readily possible to define a quantitative threshold separating what may potentially be audible in some systems from what is unquestionably insignificant. In the absence of that kind of quantitative perspective there is essentially no limit to what a perceived or claimed sonic effect can be attributed to. Or misattributed to.

Best regards,
-- Al

We’ve been over all that. There is no mystery here, folks. It’s straight physics and metallurgy and some common sense thrown in for good measure. This is all starting to sound like the great cable debate that’s been going on for what, thirty five years. Fuses, like cables and wire, have evolved over time. In the case of aftermarket fuses it’s taken say twenty years. Like anything else, a fuse can be improved. How, you ask? We discover problems.  We solve them. We learn, grow.

^^^ As previously pointed out earlier, this thread has become like a group of guys meeting down at the local pub.

It started out as a thread regarding SR Red fuses ... and has developed into far more than that. Its evolved into a continuous discussion about other tweaks (especially SR tweaks), electronics, speakers, music, recording recommendations and even family.

Its become a place where we can join together as friends with a common passion.

The problem starts when one, two or even a few of the visitors have way too much to drink, then filled with liquid courage (think keyboard courage), start violating common courtesy and believe its permissible to push others around who are enjoying their time yacking it up at the pub.

So, the question becomes what to do with these miscreants? Do we continue taking their abuses, or do we continue showing them the door? I vote for showing them the door, while at the same time exposing them for the Sad Sacks and bullies they really are.  

In the meantime, the system is sounding better than ever before with one of the very best mid-ranges I've ever experienced. The superiority of analog was always a given in the system, but now well recorded red book CD's are WAY beyond the point where I ever thought digital would be.

Over the past year, WITHOUT CHANGING ANY OF THE ELECTRONICS, the system that resides in my listening room has been transformed from a very good audio system, one that I could have lived with from now on, into a magic music machine that I wouldn't want to live without. 

I have many posters here to thank for that. 

Members have to realize this is the WWW. Only insight to fellow members systems are experiences on the same components. To me, it's perfectly understandable why the trolls can't hear a difference so no point wasting time in a debate.