Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I like the accesory "Fuse" because it is :
1- inexpensive (as an accessory)
2- Very efficient (in many systems, be it SR, AM, AH, Furutech' etc.)
3- unexpected : when the first audiophile fuses appeared, who could believe it could make such a difference ? No one I net.4- there is several manufacturers that made their fuse sound all slightly different one each others. So with the help of the audiophile community you can have a first valiable approach to expected results in your system.
With the help of good return policy you can test "in real conditions", in your system and balance the sound by putting a SR Black here, and an AM'or AH there.
It's a kind of cooking we all make and that is part of the fun when we buy an X pre to mate with an Y amp etc, or am I wrong ?

Last year I tested several expensive speaker cables (5ooo to 6500€ for a 2,5 m stereo). I kept none. Yes several were audibly superior to mine but not enough for the difference in price.
When I discovered the difference an SR Red did in my pre : wow !  For a mighty 79€ it was great. After that I heard of the SR Blacks thanks to Oregon Papa and this thread.
I looked at all the fuses and all what be said around, I installed a AM Beeswax that made me happy  in the pre and sometimes later, SR Blacks in the amps and the DAC.
 Very happy too.
When The Beeswax SHD appeared I replaced the pre fuse with it. Not fully broken in (about 40 hours only) and it is soooo musical and airy. The musicians and singers seem so happy to play together, I consider it now superior (in my system, room, tastes etc) to the Black.
I believe in Fuses because I tested them with my ears and brain. No need to substitute machines to tell me what is good or bad.
In a way of being a bit provocative if we speak of faith, so yes I have the Faith in  Fuse. To my delight I heard his Word'and it has lighted my audiophile path.
Being serious anew a think a kind of competition is beginning and maybe in a few weeks SR will biuld a new one still better and so on. As for bank cards there will be the Gold, the Platinum etc 🤑.  A new territory is being explored by the builders and who knows where it will stop...
As my girlfriend discovered recently (we are together for a few months) : "Mais mon Cheri, your Hi Fi... It is endless?". 

It seems this thread has run its course with respect to believers and naysayers, with all the parties planted firmly on one side or the other, except Geoff who has no fuses in his Walkman yet enjoys working the bellows to keep the fire hot. Any attempts at humor seem to have evaporated like the magic dust inside of a blown “audiophile” fuse.

With respect to Oregonpapa, the original question he posted was “Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?”  Therefore, this thread was never intended to be an argument over the scientific validity of "audiophile" fuse technology but rather a discussion of what people do hear. I have tried the SR reds but didn’t hear the “bang for my buck” so I am mostly happy using UL/CSA Eaton Bussmann type fuses. I think this thread is best left to those who have discerned sonic improvements from installing “audiophile” fuses in their hi-fi systems, and from orienting those fuses so the half-inch fuse wire is pointed in the right direction.  Agreeing to disagree can be a reasonable resolution. 

Those are good words, but will most likely go unheeded by those who are driven by a need to stir the pot.


Thank you for such a thoughtful post. It is the perfect statement why it is worth the effort to audition the audio grade fuses you listed.

David Pritchard
Hello David,
I look forward to your listening impressions of the Sophia blue glass 300b tubes. I’ve auditioned many 300bs over the years and it was both fun and informative.

I believe that the vast majority  here at this point share your recognition of "agreeing to disagree ". It seems that the arguments have been exhausted with no new points being made. Either the fuses improved your system or they did not. For many posting here they did. For a few they did not.