Is Audio nirvana real?

I think it is.  I m finally happy with my system! I'm done!
Ask a question openly and I get some honest answers from real audiophiles. Then...... As usual we get the same people with the same comedy skits and negativity. Lol.  I would tell you to go away but you don't have anywhere to go or do so enjoy it while you can. I wish you would leave the forum but it's America! You are free to tell jokes that are not funny. Back to my my wires and worthless equipment.  TGWR! 

On a more serious note. During this chase of nirvana I have learned so much. I've learned from some great guys who are no longer with us. Charles Threat and Dave Baskin. They were great friends with each other and they were my friends. I will attending services for Charles this Saturday down in Texas. Enjoy your system while you are still alive.  Tomorrow is not promised and if your system fringe you joy or the chase of equipment makes you happy do it like there is no tomorrow. Both of these guys did!

ct, IMHO there's the inherent limitation of headphones of any type (in ear or over, and the types of the latter) that your interview 'quote' addresses.  All ears are not created equal from birth, and get subjected to all matter of 'inputs' through the course of one's life.  We find ourselves with no 'common ground' short of sterile test equipment generating specs that unless those doing these tests exercise extraordinary care to match the situation of any other set of specs generated elsewhere, variations inevitably crop up....
And then there's the 'subjective listening commentary', performed by someone that's lucky enough to make a living listening to these wonderful objects that we're drawn to, who we take into account as we wade through the choices of said objects...
So, short story long, one could surmise that I've developed a rather jaundiced opinion of our pursuit of the years.  And since I've become 'officially old' recently (thank you, but I'm not terribly thrilled about it), I feel I'm entitled to do what I like to do and generally ignore the hubbub.

Headphones:  I've owned them.  I've used them primarily in the same way that you employed with the twins (How's the kids, BTW? *S*), an escape that allows enjoyment without annoying those about one.  I own a wireless one now, used just for that purpose.

I prefer my music 'presented spatially', fully aware that the space effects the response, as does everything between the space and the format that renders it (LP, tape, CD, digital file).  And the means by which I perceive it is pretty much SNAFU at this time, and is deteriorating incrementally as the daze go on....

Geo, you may be lucky as ct points out.  If so, may the road rise with you and the wind be at your back...and 10 oz. will be a light load on the path to Nirvana.  From what I read here at AV, few have gotten as close as you have.  We should all be so blessed....

And I'm not joking/teasing/being facetious/trolling/or ?....seriously...

Heaven IS in your mind.  Now between your ears.  Ignore us...Enjoy. *S*
As for the rest of us...enjoy the pursuit, or just hoist the white flag.  One can tactfully surrender....;)
calvinj OP
1,052 posts
09-04-2016 9:54pm
Ask a question openly and I get some honest answers from real audiophiles. Then...... As usual we get the same people with the same comedy skits and negativity. Lol. I would tell you to go away but you don't have anywhere to go or do so enjoy it while you can.

And what question was that you're referring to, pray tell? And what honest answers are you referring to?