Dynavector DV 505 anti-skating question

I purchased recently a DV505. I'm following the indications in the user manual for setting up correctly all the adjustments.
Concerning the anti-skating I think I have an issue. If I place the anti-skating weight as indicated in the user manual then the correction is too strong pushing the arm back. In fact I can operate without anti-skating at all. Is this pointing a bad setting elsewhere ? I cannot figure out what could be the origin as this arm have few adjustments.
Any idea ?
Thanks a lot
I have a Dynavector 501, and I don't seem to have any issue with anti-skate. I see your 505 has the same anti-skate set up as my 501. I would say to use just enough adjustment to do the job. 

Many folks swear that no anti-skate is best. Just do what works/sounds best.

Good luck, regards,
Thanks for your advise. I was trying to in accordance with the manufacturer instructions.