So true. In the golden age of consumer turntables looks and price was
everything. But the problem was the construction of the units. Most units were
plastic, or vinyl covered MDF. Better units were cast aluminum. Both of these
have there own problems as far a sound is concerned. Most classic units were
never made to be very musical in the first place. To have a "musical" capable
unit would mean large size and great mass. Not many consumer units weighed over
20 pounds. From my experience the heavier the better. I have found a turntable
needs to be 40 or more, this was recently confirmed by Technics with the new
1200GEA model weighing 40 pounds! You can then compare a turntable to a piano or
any musical instrument. You cannot expect a budget priced piano to sound the
same a Grand Steinway piano. They may both produce sound and have the same basic
parts to function, but if you want the sound of a Steinway, you know what to
expect when you buy one. So either a turntable can sound musical or it cannot.
It depends on how well it's made, and how well it can isolate the platter and
tonearm from being influenced from outside vibration. One key factor is keeping
the acoustical energy concentrated on the tonearm section. When a turntable is
built correctly, the tonearm is then free to keep the signal true and musical.
Case in point: Technics SL-1200MK2 series. Many people are familiar with this
model that has been around since the late 70's, virtually unchanged. There was
one major change only after the first few years or production. The lower section
of the turntable was originally a one piece heavy/thick rubber, latter changed
to a weighted inner hard compound section and a thin rubber shell to replace the
original design, and few noticed. BUT it also killed the sound quality
So in order for me to make a very musical turntable from the classic 1200MK
series I use an all wood design for the base and fill the special made voids
with sand for loads of internal dampening for a neutral low resonance tone and
high resistance to feedback. Constructing separate sections for the motor and or
tonearm (depending on design) that is built from wood with it's own sand filled
chambers that can be isolated via sorbothane bushings. The results are stunning
when compared to a stock 1200MK in a side by side comparison. You could spend
insane amounts of money for "upgrades" to be added to a 1200MK2 that in reality
give little to no sound benefit because they do not address the main problem of
construction and lack of damping in the platter that rings like a gong, to a
tonearm that is mounted metal-to-metal with no isolation. I address all these
issues in building a musical turntable and the results speak for them
Remember, you can put a $1k cartridge on a $300 turntable, but that will
not make it sound like a $1300 turntable.
Thanks, Roy (roylcraft)