The "Digital" listening experience

Do you find listening to digital without adequate isolation to be similar to listening to a piece of music where the performer is not putting his heart into it? That seems to be the best description I've found.
As an example of the different level of enjoyment of music played with exceptional intensity/heart I find Schubert's Trout Quintet unlistenable when played poorly and entrancing when played with deep sensitivity.
I believe that it's not necessary performer releasing digital media isn't putting heart and passion. The heart, emotions and life can be heard in digital and analogue recording if musician is 'investing' it into his music so it seems to me that you've found truly the worst description. If you stop looking for description and just start listening to the actual music without criticizing format -- there you will find how far you were wrong.  

Czarivey I think you misunderstood my post. I'm not in any way implying that because a piece is digitally recorded the performance isn't first rate. In fact,most musicians don't care 'how' it's recorded, just that it sounds 'right' to them. My understanding of this is from friends who are musicians (I never discuss recording or playback 'quality' with them). If we listen together I find they like their music 'loud'. I guess because that's what they're used to.
That is true;years ago I discussed music with the conductor of a local ochresta and he liked digital as he could play it louder. This was in the days of bad digital. I can not spell well enough to get my spell check to function. Years ago a player put his drivers around the room as he was use to it coming from every direction.