Equipment Rack

Does it make sense to spend several thousands of dollars on a equipment rack, if Stillpoints are used under every component?
To the OP's post, Yes, it all depends upon your room /house construction. Whether or not your tt is floor/wall mounted.

Stillpoints are designed to specifically address micro vibrations. Especially with the Minis. These micro vibrations are of the sort that come from internal transformers and the like.
astro, why are the minis more adept at handling "micro vibrations" than the standard Stillpoint?

Bobby says "No comment on Mike Green."

Charley and I called Bobby (Robert) Mr. Grump.

You know sometimes you have to step away and see where people land. For myself, I'm a happy listener and always have been. This particular part of the music biz has more than its share of peculiar theories, myths, personalities and home brews. 

A lot of folks over the last several years have asked about me or made up their own versions. Well facts are facts, and the fact is RoomTune sold in 37 countries and here in the states had 650 dealers. We were used in more reviews than almost any high end audio specialty company between 90-97 in the industry. We also supplied more free product to the trade shows (and loved it) than anyone. Fact is when the mom & pop audio stores shut down it was something that shook the hobby forever. Many great companies went under and some of the rats started feeding off of the other rats.

Fact is I'm happy for Bobby. Even though he and I look at life through different glasses and disagree on some past blurred lines, he and his friends have built a pretty cool gig.


Robert was a dealer of mine before he started his current company and worked for me for a time. We shared in one idea and one product, a cone. The fact is, the Audiopoint was designed around 1990 by a guy (Brent) who was doing business as AMD (audio machine & design). I liked the sound of that cone and began marketing it. In reviews you will find it was called Michael Green's Audiopoints. Of course we wanted to correct this but I also wanted a different design as the cone at that time was still going through some growing pains sound wise. I think Bobby came on board with RoomTune in the mid to late 90's and when he left MGA/RoomTune took on Audiopoints for his own.

As far as the "rats" comment, people need to decide for themselves how things in a small industry, like this one, evolves from one idea to the next and how designs and designers move on to different adventures as well as the listeners who follow them. Maybe it's not rats as much as it is mice, not sure if they want to share their cheese or keep it to themselves.

The only way to find out is in the privacy of your own private concert hall called your listening room.

as my friend says "enjoy the music" 

I had to go do some listening for a client so the above post is part one, the MG-Bobby story. If your confused, maybe that’s a good thing cause the stories that have been brewed up about that time are pretty stupid. Bottom line is Bobby worked for me then wanted to do his own thing after his time with RoomTune came to an end. Hopefully that clears up the whole Audiopoint thing, as well as why Starsound might seem somewhat like the MGA story.

There are other audio companies that were born from the RoomTune MGA revolution who have their own stories as well, no biggie. It's a fact that most of the companies you see today are usually spin offs in some way or another. No harm in that. I enjoyed being one of the pioneers as well as being a part of other creative ventures.

part 2, another topic really but because my name was mentioned

Part two of my post is about Geoff Kait. Geoff has a Sony Walkman Cassette player with earbuds and spends his time trolling audio forums for the sake of getting nothing more than a rise out of folks. It’s entertaining if you are a little on the warped side, but as is often recommended best to just report geoff and let your mods take care of things.

For the record, I have never had discussions with geoff kait and was only a victim of his trolling on Stereophile. We could have had conversations if he was legitimate but many members pressed him only to come to the same conclusions. This forum will no doubt head down the same path if trolling is allowed. The Stereophile forum which once was alive is a graveyard now sadly do to trolling. nuff said 


As I revisited this forum the last two days I see a lot of members asking questions that are not only down my alley, but I specialize in along with as I said earlier what happened to MG. Let me help by saying, if your interested in what I do or why, you should really come to our site and our forum and ask instead of going to other forums and becoming part of high end audio’s National Enquirer. The reason why this industry didn’t see me for a while was because of what I talked about before, the market crash. But the main reason was because I couldn’t stand the audio myth makers standing on every corner telling you your system sucks and why without ever knowing you or your sound. I got tired (bored really) seeing an industry with so much potential choosing to go down paths that had nothing to do with getting good sound. I wasn't alone!

Getting great sound isn’t really that hard and those who can’t get it always seem to get stuck in that revolving door of opinions. It’s a spin and a game that has caused many music lovers to pack their bags and leave. I know because many of them get ahold of us and start from scratch. Those folks your rarely going to see on yours or any other forum. They want nothing to do with the spins and are now happily focused on their music collections, great sound and life.

So why am I here? I’m simply stopping by to let people know MGA/RoomTune is still around and having a blast. I saw some of the stories about me and us on threads here and decided to give a shout out to those folks thinking about tuning and to invite others to come see what tuning is about. I’m not going to hang out but might stop by from time to time if it’s ok.

so that’s it

Have a great weekend and take advantage of this great hobby!

Mike Green wrote,

"part 2, another topic really but because my name was mentioned

Part two of my post is about Geoff Kait. Geoff has a Sony Walkman Cassette player with earbuds and spends his time trolling audio forums for the sake of getting nothing more than a rise out of folks. It’s entertaining if you are a little on the warped side, but as is often recommended best to just report geoff and let your mods take care of things."

actually, one reason I was interested in a portable battery powered system was Mike Green’s insistence that low mass systems are inherently better than high mass systems. So, in reality my portable walkman with Ultralight headphones subscribes to Mike Green’s concept. Anyone not see the irony that he should attack my low mass system? Oh, maybe he means only HIS low mass systems...

Mike Green also wrote,

"For the record, I have never had discussions with geoff kait and was only a victim of his trolling on Stereophile. We could have had conversations if he was legitimate but many members pressed him only to come to the same conclusions. This forum will no doubt head down the same path if trolling is allowed. The Stereophile forum which once was alive is a graveyard now sadly do to trolling. nuff said"

If you like I’ll count the discussions we had together on Stereophile. Three years of them. Hel-loo! The main point of contention is that you eschew damping and vibration isolation, instead preferring to allow the vibrations to be free to move wherever they wish. Did I state your position correctly?

geoff kait
machina Dynamica