Rush albums sound quality

I've been a long time Rush fan and as time has passed I've been able to buy a better system.
The thing is that I've realizaed that even Rush remastered cd's soun very bad, poor instrument separation, Geddy's voice sounds bad, etc.

I know it's not my system because other cd's sound great, from Dream Theater to Miles Davis.

Any one agrees ?
Thing is, these SACDs were to come out in 2003! Does anyone know whether the release date was rescheduled or the project was just cancelled?
Hello Steve, Signals is dull (lack of dynamics) due to the fact that it is a digital recording (JVC). It´s a pity as it´s one of their finest albums (musically).Their next effort Grace under Pressure must also be a digital due to dull sound again ? It also is dull and gray (musically) like the cover.
Luckily Moving Pictures is opposite, very dynamic and musically their best IMO. Their obviously were using best gear available in 1981, is it a digital production ? Permanent Waves is quite lame (dynamically) to my senses, is it a digital recording as well ?  Their biggest mistake was dealing with new digital technology at the time IMHO.
From Moving Pictures on I find their catalog rewarding in sound. I have a few 20 bit re  masters that sound very very good but most of my Rush is on vinyl up to Show of Hands or Force Ten which ever was released last. After Moving Pictures the vinyl are original pressings which helps sound wise because Rush was a marginal act until Moving Pictures exploded forcing Mercury to re  release the catalog in abundance. As far as their digital recordings I use a MM cartridge which helps in the upper register making them sound very analog. I find Rush recordings from Moving Pictures on superb.