TV only recommendation

Viewing room is large at 19' x 22'. From viewing position, 19' wall is on right, all glass, view of the bay (so it isn't going to get blacked out while watching). Viewing position is 5 feet off glass wall and 5 feet from wall behind, meaning distance to screen is 14 feet.

Screen will probably be wall mounted. How high off the floor should it be?

Content is sports, movies and sitcoms. Use is 1 to 2 hours a night, more on weekends.

Would like Wireless Internet features, such as Pandora and Netflix. See no need for 3d, unless that's the only way to get the rest of the set.

Please make a recommendation for a TV with a budget of $1000 - $2500. Will not be adding sound at this time, but would like to keep audio options open.
Sony has been working on OLED for about 10 years now and have released a few small screens that are expensive for the size. But from what I have seen they will be as close to a direct view as any. I would say the plasma/OLED comparison will be out weighed by the cost factor, unless Sony suprises everyone with a 2000-3000 dollar 46". But it should be a great new screen, I think my next TV will be a plasma mainley due to expense. I currently have Pioneer Elite and my only complaint is the noise of the screen vibrating. I have been told this is normal due to the single pane of glass. Has anyone experienced this buzzing from a Panasonic?
When I walked past what seemed to be a 60" Pioneer Elite Kuro in the local dealer's showroom, I was struck by how suitable it would be for those holiday videos of yule logs burning. It put out enough heat to make a fire seem real. That and energy consumption may be considerations in a decision about whether to go with large screen plasma.

I agree that the bigger the better when it comes to HT televisions.

I sit about 14 feet from my screen, (a 58" Panasonic plasma), and while it looks great, it is difficult to really get a sense of what the 1080P image is really like from that distance, as the DPI is so small.
(However, when I lay on the floor to watch TV, (a habit from my youth!), I am about 8 feet away from the screen, so I can see that the 1080P really does look significantly better than the regular 480P does.

I recommend that you get a screen whose diagonal measurement is half of the distance from your sitting position. (i.e. in your case, sitting 14 feet away, means a 84 inch, (7 feet), diagonal screen.)

My two cents worth anyway.
Good Luck in your search.

PS A plasma, or a projector, is what I would recommend for the type of TV, for the best picture quality, (although a projector needs a really dark room).
We're redoing our HT right at the moment and our new TV will be installed at the end of August...After a bit of looking around we settled on a Panasonic Viera VT30 65"...We've had our 60" Sony LCD since 2/2005 so it's getting time to upgrade...