@terry9 We are extremely fortunate that our listening area will be directly above our garage which houses our breaker box. So running a dedicated power line will be extremely easy as will housing power dedicated equipment. A record cleaner will be purchased the day I buy my table. I was unfortunate enough to audition some equipment at a store that hadn't cleaned their vinyl and I was appalled at how bad it sounded.
@inna I know that cables are a hotly contested subject. That's part of the reason I haven't brought them up yet. Also because I'm waiting to pick out my gear before I begin to dive into that topic. We'll revisit that when the time comes :)
@inna I know that cables are a hotly contested subject. That's part of the reason I haven't brought them up yet. Also because I'm waiting to pick out my gear before I begin to dive into that topic. We'll revisit that when the time comes :)