Speaker - Room/size dilemma

Need some advice. Like many other (married) folks here, I'm trying to find a reasonable balance between room esthetics and sound quality. We listen to music in our living room. It's a 16'X18' room with a two-story ceiling that is almost 20' high. So the room is basically a large cube. The other challenge is the speakers need to be placed along the18' wall, roughly a foot or two away front the side and the back walls, basically near the corners since we have a fireplace in the middle of that wall. The couch will be about 15' away from the speakers. All in all, the speakers and the main listening position form a 15' equilateral triangle. I guess I'll need  to look for high dispersion speakers with good off-axis sound quality. Almost the opposite of what I have in there now which are ML Aerius i speakers. I still have the pair of Definitive Technologies BP20 speakers which I had originally purchased for this room and I think they better fit that application but I really prefer the clarity and focus of the MLs albeit with a much more constrained sweet spot. The MLs are being driven by a McIntosh MC2200 and I have the Def. Techs in another (smaller) room hooked up to a Vincent SP-331 hybrid amplifier. My bottom line question is what would be a decent option for this cubical size room, trying to stay within a $3K budget. The bi-polar design speakers seem to meet most of the requirements but sound a bit diffused to my taste. Anyone has experience with the newer/slimmer Def. Tech. tower models? What about the Magnepan 1.7? Thanks in advance. 

I've never tried a DIY solution, but the GIK Acoustic Soffit Traps are among the highest value bass traps you can buy.  They are unique in how deep they go for the space and money

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The Larsen 8 speakers were designed to work with your's and other room-challenged listening environments.  They work great and sound fabulous.  The only caveat to note vs. your requirements is that the Larsens were designed and work best with placement directly against the "rear" wall.  The result: a room full of clear, natural sound that many customers tell me is the closest reproduction they have heard to a natural, live acoustical performance.

See here: http://www.larsenhifi.com/en/larsen8.htm


*Disclaimer* I am a dealer for Larsen speakers