Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC & High Resolution Files


Still have a Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC which is sounding very good in spite of its age - it actually sounds more analogue and warmer than the DACs of today.

I have been outputting FLAC's from a Squeezebox Duet to it via the BNC input on the 36 and it has been playing fine. Recently, I have been thinking of buying higher resolution files. The 36 only goes up to 24/48. Would higher resolution files work on it and how would they sound? I presume they would be downsampled to or only play at 24/48.

Yes, Rockitman that's true. i've heard of the reputation for expensive repairs. The local agents out here charge rip off pricing.
Hello, I see this is an old thread, but before starting a new thread, I thought I'd try this... 

I just bought a Levinson 36 DAC and, being new to DAC, did't realize the ramifications of the advance in sampling. 

So my question is, how do I make thus DAC work with the files that are currently available like at hdtracks? 

I 'm thinking I'm good to go with my current cd library, but what about newer files I can download? Can they be down sampled without being trashed? 

Thanks in advance,
