Equipment Rack

Does it make sense to spend several thousands of dollars on a equipment rack, if Stillpoints are used under every component?
Robert wrote,

"In closing: One of our engineers examined your ‘Isolation Springs’ and noted there is a “shear component” as well as a “compression component” with a single metal conduit providing a “primary mechanical grounding conductor” which is very similar to our technical approach. Are you absolutely sure you products are actually isolating and not transferring resonance?"

Strange he should ask since just about everyone and his brother knows that mass on spring isolation devices work by attenuating the transmission of seismic vibrations according to a simple mathematical formula. Obviously the isolation effectiveness is a function of the resonant frequency of the iso system and technique in setting up the iso device as I’ve already alluded to. Thus, even advanced iso devices allow some vibration up into the component. Duh! Nobody ever claimed these iso devices are perfect, or that there is perfect isolation. However, by minimizing resonant frequency of the device, maximizing the degrees of freedom one can obtain very good results. Spring based systems are well documented and are a proven technology for vibration isolation. One need look no further than the LIGO project to detect gravity waves to see just how well (talk about understatement) springs do in real science experiments. And by employing tricks of the trade, you know, tricks like cryogenically treating the springs, one can do very well. That’s why my spring based systems have been and are in some of best systems extant. In closing let me turn your opening snarky comment around and ask you, don’t you think you and your engineer could use a little research into vibration isolation?

have a nice day

geoff kait
machina dynamica
advanced audio conceits

That’s why my spring based systems have been and are in some of best systems extant.
Please provide pictures or links to said systems.  

Please list and explain what specific wave form types your products are designed to encounter and deal with..People other than yourself may wish to be informed.

Thanks in advance. Tom
1,361 posts
09-14-2016 3:47pm

Please list and explain what specific wave form types your products are designed to encounter and deal with..People other than yourself may wish to be informed.

Thanks in advance. Tom

tom, I think the boat has sailed already as far as my trying to explain vibration isolation. I have already explained myself numerous times. Prior to asking repeatedly to explain myself it seems only fair for you and anyone else who’s not caught up on the while vibration isolation thing, which was introduced to audiophiles twenty years ago, to at least look into what it is and specifically what seismic type vibrations I’m referring to and how specifically mass-on-spring systems perform to mitigate the sesmic type vibrations I’m referring to, I.e., the ones that make the entire building shake, not only up and down but side to side and in the three rotational directions as well.

I can certainly recommend Shannon Dickson’s milestone article in Stereophile magazine twenty years ago, Bad Vibes, in which he provides an excellent overview of vibration isolation and describes the operation of the then new iso stand, the Vibraplane.


Geoff Kait
machina dynamica

ps when you say people other than yourself may wish to be informed, I can certainly sympathize with that sentiment, I wish others would wish to be informed also. ;-)

1,125 posts
09-14-2016 3:06pm
That’s why my spring based systems have been and are in some of best systems extant.
Please provide pictures or links to said systems.


Geoff Kait
machina dynamica