Don't get short term satisfaction with long-term disappointment. Get the better-sounding preamp up front. For the $2500, there are few, if any, really great new preamps. There are some used line stages in that price range that some people, like. My preference in a used line stage is the Herron Audio VTSP-1 with all the latest mods. If available, it should cost a bit less that $2500. IMO, it is better than any of the ARC preamps of its production period (through 2008 or so) and among a short list of top performing preamps regardless of cost.
If you can scratch out a little more money, my opinion is that the Herron Audio VRSP-3 (R03) is as good as it gets. I have never heard better regardless of cost.
So the question becomes.... Is it the music or the cosmetics / glamour you're really after?