SOTA processors also bang for the buck

The boutique audio manufacturers certainly from all accounts make excellent processors. One can't help getting the impression that the giant electronic companies due to sheer economies of scale are able to package outstanding technologies at a significantly lower price eg Denon and Onkyo(Integra) to mention a couple.
Is there a OPPO BDP-95 equivalent out there in processors (amplification is optional).
Thanks for the responses thusfar. How does the PR-SC5508 compare to the Denon as a preamp SQ wise. I have not had any experience with Onkyo/Integra products in the past but I gather there have been some reliability issues.
Thanks again
I suggest you consult the threads dedicated to these products on AVS forum. Lots of comment/info there.

I actually listened to both the Denon (with its internal amps - and also as a pre) and the Integra 80.2 (in the end, as an Onkyo stand-in), but couldn't offer a meaningful comparative judgement, because it was different dealers, rooms, systems, etc. I will say that both sounded very good in their respective systems.

I chose the Onkyo/Integra route because balanced XLR connectivity is important to me (I use an ARC VT130SE power amp that only accepts a balanced input). I ended up buying the Onkyo rather than the Integra based on the advice of a (trusted) local service tech who does warranty repairs on both brands. I concluded that he had more experience in direct comparison than I could ever achiveve thru auditioning both of these units at their respective dealers.

Very funny. There is a lot of evidence that, aside from the front door and firmware, Onkyo and Integra are physically identical. Of course, the Integra warranty is 3 years and the Onkyo's is only 2 years.


That is essentially the advice I got from a guy who spends his days wandering around inside both products.


PS - For my money, the Onkyo has a purtier face, too.