Looking For A Subwoofer

with a small footprint(max about 12" square),speaker level INput  & speaker level OUTput.Would like to keep it under $500.00 but might go to $1000.00 for the right sub....Thanks much,take care...

Look into the REL S/2 subwoofer.


They retail at $1499 and some dealers have these on sale right now for 1/2 price. 

JL Audio D108.  
Sounds musical because it has a flat usable frequency response and is not a one note wonder.  
Also has all the features needed for perfect integration including a continuous phase angle adjustment and speaker level inputs.  
Wonder if the OP finally made a purchase.  Did get a pair of SB1000s.  Am happier than the proverbial pig with how things are sounding.