but still would like opinions on the big Marantz vs Hegel. Thanks.Both are fine integrated amps and will certainly get the job done with your speakers. The Hegel is more of a minimalist design while the Marantz is more full featured. And while power output is nearly identical, especially into 4 ohms where it counts, the Marantz gets the nod for being heavier and larger transformer.
One last word and only if it matters to you...The Marantz is built at their reference factory in Japan while the Hegel is built in China despite it saying Oslo, Norway on the rear panel. This created quite a flap a few years back when discovered as it could be deemed as very misleading advertising. Again, only if it matters to you.
As a PM15S2 owner, I would go with the Marantz. You are already familiar with its sound and its build quality is second to none - it is an heirloom piece of equipment.