Looking for a solid state preamp for Krell fpb 250m monoblocks

I have a pair of Thiel CS 6's I just purchased, along with Krell FPB 300m monos. I'm reading that Krells aren't too kind with tubes, will clear that up with the guys a Krell, but am interested in suggestions for a preamp in the under 4K range.

As a fan of tube preamps, there is only one SS preamp that I could recommend, a Klyne 7 series preamp. Very natural sounding, IMHO.
They are very hard to find on the used market, but if you are patient, you should be able to find one in your price range.
All I've used are tube preamps with all my Krell amps over the years, starting with KSA100s and never a problem.    The old Krells are a bit bright and hard so always prefer some tubes in the chain.

In your budget, checkout an used ModWright LS 36.5 DM.
I recommend a tube preamp as well, I think if your not careful you could be adding a lot of coolness and edginess to your system. A tube based pre would add much needed warmth and the Modwright is a good choice but I would also check out a Manley Jumbo Shrimp, or a Doge 8 clarity, or Dehavilland Ultraverve 3 or a Audio Research or Conrad Johnson. All well within your budget.

Matt M
A friend of my uses the Krell FPB 600 mono blocks to drive his Rockport Altair speakers.  His preamplifier is the Absolare Passion and it is a superb sounding match.  I strongly disagree with those who told you that tubes and Krell don't mix. 4K dollars can get you a very good used tube preamplifier. 
Good luck, 