Which Referance 3A Dulcets Be / MM Decapo Be or Episode Be


looking for a new pair of speakers liking Referance 3A and there design on paper, no cross over in the mid range, 91 DB more options a far as amps never owned tube currenty own Sander amp, my room is 13.800L X 12.800W X 8.00H (feet) so I would class small to med? Back of the room is angled so it not retangle as such and bulk head around ceiling edge.I have read reviews I have looked up on you tube, suprise me how many people have the MM Decapo BE close the re wall in there set up and the look big, I could come out about 3 feet to the face the speaker, I have a option of getting a pair Episode BE would they be to big in room? What other option do I have with in the Referance A or aother brands that would suit my cureent room lay out?

Thanks Kel

Hi Kelvinr

I too am using a REL Strata III with the Decapos. I've generally not been a fan of subwoofers but I must say the flexibility and phase adjustments of the REL have  changed my position. They meld beautifully with the Decapos. The Decapos themselves do surprisingly well in all but the last octave. What the sub also does other than add bass is offer a greater sense of ease and depth in the soundfield. I'm quite confident that the Decapos would fit your bill and besides, they DO image a bit better than the Episodes which should be expected being that they are monitors. 
I had the de Capo BE's powered by an LSA Statement. Gobs of power and bass. The 3A's imaged beautifully; I had them about 40" from the back wall. I would use an SVS-SP 12 every now and then, but it was more for those extra symphonic/organ notes. 

I replaced them with AZ Adagios but only because I moved and had a bigger listening room. 

Plus, Tash at Ref 3A is immaculate at customer service. 

ok next question what the best sort of amp to drive them with? Would first watt be a good match? or tubes? What brands should I be looking out for, as I have never own tubes.

Thanks kel

Tash recommends tubes. You should also get in touch with Audiogon member Rebbi. He's N expert on the 3A de Capos and has tons of amp experience with them.