very dumb question

I have a question that probably a little stupid.  I am upgrading my turntable.  In the past I was using Project RPM III with a different amp.  Now I have moved to Prima Luna Dialog HP Integrated without phono stage. I have purchased Rega RP6 with exact cartridge and to get the phono stage I bought the Rega Brio-R.  This is an integrated amp with phono stage but I am basically just using it for the phono stage.  Wanted to keep Rega with Rega as for TT and phono stage.  Can i then input into the Prima Luna with the now amplified signal?  Is that going to make sense?

Thanks in advance
Just connect it as described and enjoy.

Yes, there are better phono stages, but I assume your Rega/Rega will sound very nice.

Aside from that you have a complete backup amp (with phono) for the PL.

I used the phono section (only) of an Advent 300 receiver for years (patched through various tube gear) and was rewarded with super results through the 70’s/80’s.

If the Brio is new give it some time to bloom sound wise (same for the TT/cartridge if new as well).

Only talking about 25-50 hours of use, before sonic changes become apparent.
If we could still buy the Advent 300 receiver (new) assuming the same quality level it was back then, we would not need 1/2 the stuff being made these days.  What a honey of a receiver.

Thanks for all the responses and advice.  It was basically a screw up when I purchased the Brio-R.  I wanted to Rega RP6 so that is ok but then the conversation turned to the phono stage and there was a communication breakdown between me and the salesman on the phone.  That coupled with confusion on my part thinking that we were discussing a phono stage rather than an integrated amp with a phono stage led me to the purchase of the Brio.  I realized about two days later when i awoke suddenly in bed and said "wait a minute" and knew I had screwed it up.  I have not even received it yet so should be able to send back no problem and shop for the phono stage.  I am probably going to talk to the people at Needle Doctor for advice but any standouts for the phono stage that mates well with the RP6?
I am very happy to hear that you can return the Brio.  Why pay for something that you don't need.

The phono stage should really be matched to the cartridge you have and not the TT.  So what cartridge are using with the RP6?  Also what is your budget for the phono stage and I am sure you'll get many good recommendations.

So I called and caught them before anything had shipped and cancelled the Brio.  Was able to change it to an open box Rega Aria phono stage that they had.  Originally that was what was in my mind at the original order I think (Brio, Aria, Brio, Aria - confusing).  Anyway I am using Exact cartridge with the RP6.  I wanted to get away from some dullness in my original setup.  Hopefully it will be a good match and seems to be a good fit for my music and needs (at the risk of being too bright but that is what Audiogon is for).  Thanks again for the help