Looking for processor recomendations

I have been out the country the past six years and didn't keep up with audio/visual, I will be rebuilding my system upon my return at year end -- I sold most of my gear, (runco dlp420, Chord integrated amp) I still have my rel b3 sub, maggie 1.6's with cc3 and a Cary Cinema 7 amp from 2004/05. With all the new formats out I am looking for a new/used processor for home theatre with excellent 2 channel capability. Any recommendations? budget around 2k...
Thanks for the response DB.

I also have the feeling that at the price point we got the units for, the sound is hard to beat. I don't think the Marantz is near it's equal, though I may be wrong.

I will only use it for 2 channel, home theatre and digital cable. No gaming. I think it should have enough capability for my needs.
With the Cary, i know the video just passes through. I will use this feature with my projector, but for a dvr, digital cable, apple tv, would I be better off buying a video processor to process the video signal and hooking the video processor through the Cary to improve the picture quality?
I pass video and audio from my DirecTV HD-DVR through a DVDO Edge that sends 1080p to the projector and Dolby Digital to the Cary 11a. For convenience, I also pass video from my Oppo BDP-93 through the Edge, although the Oppo has video processing at least equal to that of the Edge. I distinctly prefer to bypass the Edge for DSD and lossless codecs from the Oppo.

Gettin' complicated... Just sayin'. Of course, who am I to talk? -- I've got one DAC for Redbook and Internet radio, another for hi rez PCM (to be modded), and a player for SACD/Blu-Ray (music)! Surely there's some other little box I need for something. I sympathize completely with that quest for just a little more magic. But I'm glad I cooled on the idea of some kind of 5-ch. home theater, just speaking for myself: I can't believe it helps 'Casablanca' all that much...