Power conditioner help

Hi All,

 Posting this here since there is no section devoted to power products. I also posted it in the miscellaneous section. 

If you had a choice between PS Audio P10 power plant and a Transparent Powerisolator Reference, which would you choose and why? Both available at reasonable prices, though P10 is still quite a bit more. I have a pretty high end system with a Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 integrated amp, NuVista CD (the new one), Scoutmaster turntable, SDS/ADS, Herron VTPH2, Wilson Sashas, and all Transparent Ref MM2 cables. System sounds great, but my present Powerbank 8 is quite old now, so I want to upgrade it.

Thanks for your opinions.
Sorry John. Powerisolator Reference (which comes with a Reference Powerlink MM2x Powercord), and the Powercord XL (or XL Powercord?), which is their newest and best Powercord just below Opus. I'm going to put that on my amp.

I have always been skeptical of power conditioners. What I do like is the Kubala Sosna XPander. Plug all your gear into that and you should be good. I have two Bricasti M 28 mono blocks and the M1 DAC plus tow Wilson Benesch Torus Infrasonic Generator amps plus a Melco N1 player/storage. Sounds very good to my ears and no adjustments or knobs or dials to mess with. 
