Anyone has a sound like that ? Impressive.

Great speakers and even better amp. Source can be improved but it's very good already.
First thing I would do with VAC/Grand Utopia set-up is to replace the table and cartridge, the table is lazy and has no real drive, the cartridge is bright and not coherent enough. Then I would replace those no name Shunyata cables, I don't think they can compete at this level. Replace with what? I would try a few - Purist Audio top of the line single crystal silver, Dominus alloy ferox and Neptune single crystal copper fluid; also, Kubala Sosna, Jorma, Echole and HB Cable Design. And the last thing I would do - tube rolling.
As it is now, no, I would take instead three others I posted - Ypsilon/Lansche, Absolare/Rockport or Gryphon.