Anyone has a sound like that ? Impressive.

Great speakers and even better amp. Source can be improved but it's very good already.
First thing I would do with VAC/Grand Utopia set-up is to replace the table and cartridge, the table is lazy and has no real drive, the cartridge is bright and not coherent enough. Then I would replace those no name Shunyata cables, I don't think they can compete at this level. Replace with what? I would try a few - Purist Audio top of the line single crystal silver, Dominus alloy ferox and Neptune single crystal copper fluid; also, Kubala Sosna, Jorma, Echole and HB Cable Design. And the last thing I would do - tube rolling.
As it is now, no, I would take instead three others I posted - Ypsilon/Lansche, Absolare/Rockport or Gryphon.
What is also remarkable of the Ypsilon/Lanshe/Thales/HB cables system is that it should work very well in normal size rooms not 2000 sqf rooms, and those Ypsilons and Lansches are in fact their entry level models except the phono stage, I think. And in terms of the cost, it is of course very expensive, over $100k, I guess, but still not hundreds of thousands of dollars. But I wouldn't expect to find it used - few would want or/and be able to upgrade it. It would be interesting to compare different electronics with Lansche speakers - Lamm, VAC, Gryphon, Absolare, some Japanese high-end tube amps.