Last CD player?

Earlier this year, I bought a Bryston 4BSST2 power amp and a Bryston BP26 pre amp.  Recently I purchased a pair of PMC fact 12 speakers.  Both produced a marked increase in sound quality.

My source at the moment is a Meridian 588 cd player, which is about 12 years old.  The transport was repaired about 2 years ago, and some capacitors replaced.  I play only redbook cds, but I may look into downloading hi-rez files later.

I am wondering if buying a new cd player would produce another big improvement in sound quality.  My budget is between £5,000 and £10,000.  I have read glowing reviews of the Moon 650D and the Esoteric K05x and K03x.  The latter is rather at the extreme end of my budget, and I am curious if it is hugely better than the K05x.

I am trying to build a see-me-out system, so durability is important.  The gear I bought earlier has a 20-year warranty, which inspires confidence.  Esoteric products have a warranty of just 1 year.

I would be grateful for any opinions or suggestions.

If you are already a Meridian owner why don't you look there?  I'm on my third version of the 808. 
I have thought about buying a DAC, but I am somewhat confused about if it is necessary to couple that with an expensive transport once the Meridian dies.

I agree the warranty should be longer; if I buy the Esoteric, and it packs up after 13 months, I would find it difficult to buy another one, financially speaking.

68pete: did you compare the K03x with the K05x?  If so, did you notice a huge improvement?

I am reluctant to consider the Meridian as I would also be paying for a pre-amp.
My last CD player is the new Musical Fidelity NuVista CD, companion to the NuVista 800 integrated amp. It's fabulous. I've had it since last December, and I love it. You won't read much about it here. Try to find one to listen to.
REGA ISIS valve spinner... 

Rega has two bespoke matched serial number transports specifically set aside for each unit sold.... No worries here.

it also has a direct USB input into its high-end DAC that is controllable from tthe remote so you can play all your digital downloads stored on external hard drives ... Nice touch ...

Google the reviews .... a $12000 MSRP Goliath killer of units at more than double cost ...Actually try to audition it and then stand back ....