Need amp suggestions for Hedlund Horns....

A few months ago, I heard a Cary 300b amp hooked up to some small monitors and was blown away... so the itch to upgrade started.

I just bought used a pair of Hedlund horns... came with it (free) was a diy homemade tube amp that does not sound adequate (based on what I heard these horns can do).

I’m in the market for a used amp that would be the ideal match for these Hedlunds. From what I read, I have several options such as 300b, 2A3, etc. but what would you recommend?  I've never had a low-power SET amp before.  

My room is 25’x 30’ with vaulted ceilings (large enough), wood floors, fairly open. I listen to everything from classic jazz, horns, classical, vocals, and the occasional rock. I would love to have some volume to feel the energy and texture of the song.

Since my speakers are VERY efficient, is the 300b still the "best" tube to use?  Is there anything "better" at 1 watt or so?  I want that warm bloom that I heard once, music just coming alive like I've never heard it.  300b vs 45 vs others?
16 ohms speaker impedance is ideal (generally speaking this means easier load for the amplifier to drive). I agree with Jond,  on paper this speaker "should " be an excellent match with the vast majority of SET amplifiers. 
That question has been debated since the invention of the DHT  tubes and is yet to be settled.  Each type of DHT  has its advocates and detractors.  Within the same family you'll hear very distinct differences of individual brands of tubes as well as different amptolifiers due to implementation etc. Want to do some interesting reading? Google 300b vs 2A3 vs 45 which sounds the best.  You'll be reading a long time 😁. All can be excellent sounding,  I'm a fan of the 300b for its tone,bloom liveliness and naturalness.  By no means will I knock the other terrific DHT tubes as it is a personal preference issue. My 300b amplifier took my listening enjoyment to a higher level when I bought it 7 years ago. 
I came across these following "6 Moons" reviews on Yamamoto 300B and 45 SET amps in my digital library. They include some pretty good detail of build quality and higher grade components. Should provoke some thought and give you something to contemplate.
....just started reading.  So much out there, so many opinions.  How do I decide?  (this is actually a self-diagnosed neurotic condition I have- I have a hard time deciding)