(1) Input resistance choices for MM. The MM input offers 47K ohms and then a series of very much lower resistances that are totally irrelevant for MM cartridges. I do realize that the optional low (under 1000R) input resistances are actually for using MC cartridges through the MM inputs, if one wants to bypass the built-in autoformers that are in the circuit path if you use the MC inputs, but still...
(2) I was rather surprised to read that nkonor prefers using the Steelhead as a full preamplifier rather than feeding its output to his Spectral preamplifier, since most others have reported that it sounds best as a phono stage. I too am using mine as a full function preamplifier, and I agree with others that it is not at all lean in sound quality. In that regard, the topology of the White Cathode Follower output circuit uses a lot of capacitance (30uF) and a low value shunt resistor (10K). This is to ameliorate problems related to using high capacitance interconnects. However, I cannot believe it would not sound better with a lower value capacitance (e.g., 3 or 4uF) and a larger shunt resistor (100K ohms). The latter combo of C and R would result in the exact same bass cut-off, and I am going to try it. Lower coupling C should sound better. Maybe this is why others report that the Steelhead sounds best as a phono stage, because if you take the output ahead of the "line stage" section, you avoid this possibly suboptimal output circuit. (I do understand why Manley may have chosen the values for R and C; you never know what folks might use as cables and what downstream equipment they might expect the Steelhead to drive.) There's more to this stuff than rolling tubes.