You want the TRUTH from those Wilson Alexia's, maybe you can't handle the TRUTH

56 bi-polar outputs, current till the cows come home, massive supply, multiple small power supply caps for fast release, 2000w into 2ohms that’s 2hp!!!!!

Cheers George
You know, I just thought of something.  SAE gained fame around the time of Halfer and before Sumo, sort of. I mean, these brands were all around and had some sort of a following.  Amber and Adcom I believe were also gaining some fame too around the same period.

James Bonjiorno (1923-2013) worked first for SAE and later for Sumo, but the Sumo amps always sounded to my ears fuller, sweeter and more powerful than SAE and Hafler. I wonder if there was some shared design flaws and later, improvements? I understand Hafler in later amplifiers gained some intestinal fortitude.

Maybe power supply caps were getting better? It's just fun to think of these things.


georgelofi OP1,739 postsTry driving a pair of Wilson Alexia’s < .9ohm or XLF’s and others, then you’ll need something like this, to get the best out of them.
And lets face it, if you buy these >$50k speakers you want to hear the TRUTH and not compromise them with weaker amps that can’t pump out that kind of current.

Cheers George

I understand. But its not the only big kid on the block.

Two Bryston 28 BSST3 mono blocks come in at less than the SAE at $19,200

The Bryston’s numbers are more impressive. I’ve never seen a Bryston bench sheet test at an amps published output ratings, always a percentage higher. Not a few watts, numbers worth mentioning.

I can’t say which would fair better with the Wilson’s, just putting it out there. I know which one(s) I would bet on though. 

So George, have you actually heard the Amp? It's ok listing great specs. I've heard some Amps with great specs. that sound like a "crock".
I worked in a "high end" audio store in the late 70's. SAE earned the nomer Smokes And Explodes. I have several memories of their amps doing the rockets red glare when driven at all hard. Ahh, the good old days.
Or what about Phase Linear, i.e. Flame Linear?

At some point Carver actually owned up to design flaws, but not until the Carver amp was much forgotten.

