Vocals and upper midrange too forward?

Hey all - I just have a question regarding my new speakers.  I would say I am an audiophile apprentice.  I just got new speakers in the system and likely they have a more sophisticated sound with tighter bass and likely more detail but I think that the upper midrange (my words but it seems to be noticeable with male vocals and some guitar etc) is too forward.  Current system uses Prima Luna Dialog HP Integrated and went from Totem Sttaf to Devore Fidelity Gibbon 88.  I notice it both with analog and CD sources.  At first the sound was more "advanced" with the Devore speakers and I was hearing things in the vocals with bands like the Allman Brothers that I had not heard before.  As time goes on, I am starting to think it may border on the fatiguing.  The Sttaf with the silk dome tweeter may be more to my liking though would be a trade off with more cabinet resonance I think with the Sttaf.  Not sure if there is any fix but am I missing anything?  Anyone have similar experience?  All parts of the system are broken in I believe (I bought the Devore speakers used).  There actually may have been an improvement in the sound with the Devore speakers before the spikes were added as they were being shipped and I could not wait.  But now I have the spikes in place and positioned well I think.  Thanks in advance.
I always hate it when an 'upgrade' turns into something not expected, so I will commiserate with you.
I was going to say it may be the 'break-in' period, but you seem to dismiss that.-Did the previous owner say how long they were played?
Perhaps another consideration may be the speaker cables and interconnects, which you have not listed.
Also, room acoustics may also play a part in your displeasure.

Don't overlook the possibility of changing the tone of your system by simply changing driver tubes (power tube changes will also work) in your amp. Works for me, all the time. That is one of the side benefits of using tube amps/preamps.