Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?

I am really beginning to believe these 180 remasters are mixed for a 500.00 system.It seems every one I buy it's either super bright,or has an ass load of bass in all the wrong places.The Bowie i have the soundstage is all wacked out .I have a decent setup but i can't imagine how much more obvious it must be on a serious setup.I can say the Yes fragile I got lately (cut fromt he original tapes) sounds pretty good ,Zeppelin In thru the outdoor Yikes! so bright waste of 25.00 again..... 
I never buy sealed LPs for more than a few dollars, you really can't know what's in there, nor can the seller.
I have flattened tens of bad warped records now. My Vinyl Flat with Groovy Pouch can be taken from me only over my dead body.
What ever happened to placing LPs between two sheets of glass in the over at 150 degrees for ten minutes?  Some experimentation with temperature and time might be advantageous.

Sound good to me , although i never have . My concern with heat is flattening the grooves also