I've had both a Scott 299 and Fisher X-100, and neither comes anywhere close to the sound quality of my current EAR and Music Reference electronics. Nostalgia is swell, but come on!
I frequently get on my soapbox about design sensibilities (irrespective of chosen architecture"), and the fact that we (as audiophiles) lose track of what I consider to be the takeaway from this article:

"It doesn’t matter if it’s tubes, transistors, or a hamster on wheel. All that matters is that you got lost in the music."

All in all, a well-written article directed primarily a people with no direct experience of our madness.

Predictably, Kevin Hayes and Charlie Hansen paint two very different pictures (tubes vs. solid state), and you know which side of the fence I land on ;-)

I did find Hansen’s disparaging comments about tube longevity to be a bit self-serving and disingenuous however - doing his best to create FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt).

Thom @ Galibier Design

Great article.  If articles like this were printed in magazines or websites directed at younger people, we might be able to convert some earbud listeners into audiophiles.

As far as tubes vs solid state, it just goes to show that there's no right or wrong, just what works for you.