Tinnitus remedy?


 It is not so much a hobby as an obsession. But it dovetails nicely with my audio obsession. I use the time while the tubes warm up to make coffee.
Perhaps we can do our own little study with oxytocin to see how well it works. Anyone else up for it ?

of course to do it for real we'd need a control group...  I.e someone would have to buy the pills and find a placebo that looked the same and send them to participants who didn't know if they were getting the oxy or placebo .  
I'm a life long shooter, the last 5 or 6 years competitively and a definite coffee fiend. No wonder no matter how much dough I throw at this hobby I can't tell the difference!  :  )

I have tinnitus and see no relationship between it and drinking coffee. I stopped drinking coffee about 6 weeks ago, but the tinnitus has not improved. My conclusion is that you can have your  coffee and drink it too.