Vandersteen Quatro CT

This speaker has been available for several months and by some reports is quite special. Anyone have a chance to listen to one? Impressions compared to other Vandy speakers?

I agree on chasing our tails.  I did that for years and years as I learned.  The more I learned, the less I chased. When I decided to change my system a few years ago, after keeping it in tact for well over 18 years, I knew I wanted to buy a system that worked best together.  I learned that not all outstanding components work good together.  

I decided to find a dealer I trusted as they know what products go best together.  That's when I met johnny Rutan at Audio Connection.  He too said to not chase my tail in my quest to upgrade.  I knew that I was limited on budget to what I was selling off (I had a lot of old systems that I have moved. I only have a few pieces left, lol).  I didn't want to listen to the Vandersteen's. I had a couple of listening sessions with them in the 90's at two dealers who didn't have them set up properly at all and weren't interested in moving them.

He just requested that I sit with my late father and brother (we were in NJ for a family wedding) and just listen to the Treo's.  I was hooked within minutes.  I was in shock at how great they sounded in his open front room.  I could only imagine how good they'd sound at home.  He ran Ayre amps and source.  No special power cords or anything else.  Then I auditioned the Quatro and after that I went down to his store again (nearly 3 hour drive) and auditioned the 5CT and 7's. Wow, was I hooked on the Vandersteen sound. Mind you, at this point I was out listening to Wilsons, Magicos, Maggies, ML, Salks, AudioZen, get it. I was out trying to figure out WHAT price point would give me the best bang for the buck.  I didn't like much of what I was hearing.  There were a couple of speaker lines that I really liked a lot and Ayre gear was prevalent at so many shops or friends homes.  I noticed that the Vandersteen Treo and Quatro's sounded best for me.  I knew I eventually wanted a pair of Quatro's, but I didn't want to wait to get them, so I sold off some gear and bought the Treo's.  I ended up with the Ayre AX-5/Twenty as well as the Ayre QX-5/Twenty and a rebuilt Mac Mini server with Paul Hynes power supply that I'm selling as I want the top of the line Melco.  

As I have stated, I'm selling my cherry Treo's and once sold, I'll bring in the Quatro's.  If they don't sell, I won't be upset as i love the sound of the Treo's.  

The reason for the long post is because I had the time, but the point is, it's best for many of us to set a price point and figure out where we want to be in a year or so.  Then we can take our time to get there.  I personally love working through a dealer I trust. I have a few whom I like, but I go to Johnny over local dealers because he understands my needs and he won't let me go over budget. 
I had a pair of Vandersteen 2ci's as my first pair of "hifi" speakers. Then went to some more accurate sounding kit speakers (North Creek) then some used Vandy 5's and then Legacy Focus SE.  I returned to Vandersteen Quatro woods when I had the opportunity and I'm glad I did.  The other speakers had their strengths (the North Creeks were magical driven by a BAT VK-75SE) but I just couldn't get them synchronized with my room (even the Vandy 5's).  You would think that the larger and more efficient Legacy's would be able to do a better job on the low end but there is no doubt that the Quatro's give me better (deeper, more controlled, higher impact) bass in my room with my electronics.

Still need to go out and listen to the Quatro Wood CT. I would love to liquify things a bit more on the top. 

I wonder how many current Vandersteen owners have come back after trying other speakers only to realize that they were "chasing their tails."

Karl and CT thanks for contributing.  Currently I'm taking care of my mom who has stage IV colon cancer.  Certainly too busy now, and with uncertain funds, so my quest will have to wait.  I do know that when I'm able, Vandersteen will be my choice.  Yes, tired of tail chasing and the proverbial merry-go-round.  Just want to settle into some great speakers and listen to my favorite music and yet to be discovered music.

Yes, John is a great guy with down to earth advice.  My goal based on his input; Belles Aria integrated amp with the Treos.  If funds are tight, I'll look to some 2Ce.  Oh, any either of the two are going in the damn living room. Lol.  Tired of the old WAF!  You two enjoy your Sunday!  Best.....
I'm really glad you got to meet Johnny.  Praying for you mom as you know.  It really sucks and audio needs to take a back shelf, but I do hope you listen to your music as much as you can so you can keep your own sanity.  You are dealing with enough personally (you know what I"m talking about) and keeping your own health and sanity is the only way you will be able to deal with those around you ;).  Call or text if you want or need to in order to take your mind off of all of this.  Hang in there! Pete
@ctsooner ....
thanks, really appreciate your thoughts and prayers.  True friends mean a whole lot more during these times than any speakers, components, etc.. The music is what lasts and consoles regardless of the medium.

Take care from an eventual member of the Vandy family.