Is hybrid power amp the way to go ?

What are the advantages and disadvantages ? Ypsilon, Absolare and some other people think that the advantages outweigh or they would be working with tubes only. Lamm makes hybrids too in addition to all tube SETs.
That's for sure, running direct from source to hybrid amp. Still, it puzzles me, and I am talking about brands where cost considerations are not priority in a usual sense. Besides, solid state amps like Gryphon or Swiss amps are just as expensive. Lamm claims in his interview that he overcame some but not all of the transistor's shortcomings, but he remains die hard tube man, even though his hybrid is basically solid state with one tube in the second stage, I think.
@inna Yes, the Lamm hybrids I own use a 6922 in the driver stage. 

It always boils down to the right tool for the right job. Lamm's low powered SET amps are remarkable with horns and other high sensitivity speakers, while the hybrids are a perfect match with difficult loads like my vintage Sound Lab electrostatics.

Generally speaking, I'm inclined to prefer tube amps, but the Lamms do what many tube amps can't with difficult loads. They also beat my BAT VK150SE monos even when driving easier loss like Nolas. It's nice to have amps that are likely to work well with any speakers I might choose to purchase. Cheers,
Well I'm partial to hybrids now that have to BHK 300 mono's. (Dealer alert!)

But JoInid who has owned many of the top amps both tube and SS just posted on ps audio's site - something to the effect that it's the best amp he has heard.  
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